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Cars For Sale in Woodland Hills, CA

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Find Your Next Vehicle in Woodland Hills, CA at Kingston Motors, Inc.

Kingston Motors, Inc. has 6 SUV, 4 Sedan, and 3 Hatchback listings for sale in Woodland Hills, CA between $5,898 and $24,998. Shop top brands and get a great deal on your next vehicle.

All Prices are Cash Only. We strive to give accurate information, however sometimes there are mistakes. In the case of a typographical error, Kingston Motors, Inc. retains the right to make corrections. Prices are not binding without an executed contract at the dealership. Price excludes government fees and taxes, Any Finance Charges, or dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. The condition and representation of this vehicle are opinions and we encourage you to come in and evaluate and determine the condition of the vehicle per your standards, as they may differ. All vehicles are sold AS-IS .Buyer is advised to have a Third-Party Mechanic inspect the vehicle prior to purchase. Additional 48-hour Contract Cancellation Option Available at the point of sale. Visit us online at www.KINGSTONMOTORS.com or call us today By Appointment!
@ (818) 633-5511